
Recently I came across an article about home cleaning which included a featured page rating different paper towel brands. Truth be told, while my interest was piqued at options of extra soft, big quilts, stronger, choose your size, fragrance free paper towels, I was also searching for the Brawny Man options but alas, I’ll have to keep combing the pages on The article veered off the paper towel track at the offerings of paper towel holders – specifically, the battery powered holder touch-less model which can also dispense the size you need for the low price of $100. Ummmmm… P.S. who needs this? Maybe someone in the “1%” and not the 99% rest of us. Is it possible to be so exhausted from washing your hands it’s just too much trouble to tear off a sheet? Could they be worried about tearing off a sheet and get the next sheet a little wet with their fingers? Well, to each paper towel holder his own but for the budget minded set I’ve included an excellent alternative and if you use your elbow when tearing a sheet you won’t get any part of the roll wet! Ummmmmm… P.S. Cheers!

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